STS-86 Mission Summary

September 25, 1997,
10:34:19 p.m. EDT
On-time liftoff occurred after final approval for flight to Mir given earlier in day by NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin, following his review of independent and internal safety assessments regarding safety of Mir and Shuttle-Mir missions. The reviews included assessments conducted routinely prior to Shuttle-Mir dockings and two independent studies prompted by a spate of problems on the station, including a fire and a collision.

October 6, 1997,
5:55:09 p.m. EDT
Runway 15, Kennedy Space Center, Fla. Rollout distance: 11,947 feet (3,641 meters). Rollout time: one minute, 22 seconds. Mission duration: 10 days, 19 hours, 20 minutes, 50 seconds. Landed on revolution 170, on the first opportunity after two opportunities on Oct. 5 were waved off due to low clouds. Last flight of Atlantis prior to departure to California for second Orbiter Maintenance Down Period (OMDP). Scheduled to return to KSC in late August 1998 to begin preparations for STS-92, third International Space Station assembly flight.

Crew List
James D. Wetherbee, Commander
Michael J. Bloomfield, Pilot
Scott E. Parazynski, Mission Specialist
Wendy B. Lawrence, Mission Specialist
Vladimir G. Titov, RSA Mission Specialist
Jean-Loup J. M. ChrΘtien, CNES Mission Specialist

NASA-6 Arrival
David A. Wolf, Mission Specialist
NASA-4 Departure
C. Michael Foale, Mission Specialist

Crew Biographies
Mission Highlights


STS-86 patch